Pigeon performing the job of managing Google Reviews

Rookoo! Meet your AI powered Product Feedback Assistant.

Transform raw feedback into valuable insights by having meaningful and engaging conversations with your customers, driving your product development forward with precision and efficiency.

Rookoo Product Feedback Assistant.

  • Conversational Feedback Collection
  • Insightful Analysis
  • Actionable Recommendations
  • Available for Live Chat, WhatsApp, Email,...

Introducing your Rookoo AI Product Feedback Assistant, the intelligent and conversational companion designed to revolutionize the way you collect, manage, and act on product feedback.

Instead of relying on static forms, your Rookoo assistant interacts with users directly, creating a more organic and engaging feedback experience.
This assistant seamlessly gathers feedback through natural conversations, ensuring you gain a comprehensive understanding of user sentiments.

Beyond simple collection, Rookoo delves deep into the data by analyzing feedback to extract valuable insights and make actionable recommendations.
By automating the feedback process, Rookoo empowers you to focus on enhancing product quality and customer satisfaction.

Say goodbye to manual, time-consuming feedback management tasks, and embrace a streamlined approach that turns user input into strategic improvements.

Discover some of our other Rookoo assistants

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